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Last Updated on May 8, 2024 by Katie
3 Key Investing Tips for Freelancers to Achieve Financial Freedom
When you freelance, it can feel as though there’s never enough time. Busy schedules, deadlines, and long hours can leave you feeling too tired to think much about things like investing, even if you’re interested in trying it.
Despite these challenges, more and more freelancers are recognising the financial freedom that investing can give them. You might not become a millionaire, but investing can consolidate your income and give your strong, stable returns for future expenditures.
With interests in savings account now being so low, this could be the best option for you. Take a look at these investing tips for freelancers and start your journey to financial freedom.
Learn About Investing
We’ve all seen Wall Street on TV or in the movies, and this can give us a worrying impression of what investment is. We picture people shouting, phones ringing, and an air of chaos. This can put you off investing.
However, in recent years, investing has become a lot more accessible to the average person. Anyone can invest and anyone can make a success of it. Before you can get started with investing, however, it is important to spend some time educating yourself.
You can find information about investing without needing to leave the house. There are many book websites with guides to investment, from cryptocurrency to Forex trading, that you can access at the touch of a button.
Freelancers might be concerned that they don’t have time to carry out this research, but even a few minutes a day can go a long way.
Focus on some key areas, including how investing works, the different categories of investment, and the difference between trading and investing. Freelancers who find the time to learn this can get the investment journey started armed with a strong foundation of knowledge.
Set Your Investment Goals
Do you want steady consistent gains for your savings, or do you want to use your disposable income on risker but more rewarding ventures? Investing as a freelancer is about financial independence, so choose the clearest route to that goal.
This comes down to your personal needs. Are you daring or more cautious. Whatever your strategy, make sure you’re being sensible.
Choose The Right Broker
A broker is a platform or person who executes trades for you. A lot of brokers are now online interfaces, thanks to cutting-edge technology. These can make trading as a freelancer even easier. If you’re going to be a successful investor, you need to choose the right broker for you. How should you do that?
Online brokers have become very popular, so there are plenty of reviews out there for you to consult when you’re making your choice. Investment professionals spend a lot of time and effort finding rankings of the best brokers around and compiling them on websites.
Check out some reviews and choose a broker that best meets your needs and has consistently good reviews.
Once you have chosen the broker, it is time to deposit some money into your account, make your first trade, and get started investing as a freelancer!
Further reading:
- 13 Freelance Writing Tips for Beginners to Grow a Successful Career
- Top 13 Most In-Demand Freelance Skills (+Where to Learn for Free)
- How to Get Freelance Writing Experience as a New Writer: 5 Ways to Build Your Skills
- Is Freelance Writing a Good Career for You?
- 15 Best Freelance Writing Websites to Find Paid Work